Silver prices 08/01/2025: increased by 30.58 USD/ounce

Silver prices 08/01/2025 are on the rise today! Both domestic and international markets are seeing a significant uptick.

In Hanoi, Phu Quy Precious Metals Group (silver prices 08/01/2025) is listing silver at VND 1,118,000/tael for buying and VND 1,153,000/tael for selling. Other traders in Hanoi have reported even higher prices, with buying and selling rates of VND 941,000 and VND 982,000 per tael, respectively. Ho Chi Minh City is also experiencing a silver price surge, with current rates at VND 943,000 and VND 984,000 per tael. Globally, silver prices have climbed to US$767,000 and US$772,000 per ounce for buying and selling, respectively.

giá bạc trong nước và thế giới đều bật tăng mạnh.
giá bạc trong nước và thế giới đều bật tăng mạnh

Specifically, the latest information on silver prices today in the two largest markets of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Silver Prices 08/01/2025

Silver Type

Unit Ha Noi Ho Chi Minh City
Buy Sell Buy Sell

Silver 99.9

1 amount 941.000 982.000 943.000 984.000
1 kg 25.087.000 26.185.000 25.139.000 26.236.000
Silver 99.99 1 amount 948.000 990.000 950.000 992.000
1 kg 25.293.000 26.397.000 25.335.000 26.448.000

Cập nhật bảng giá bạc mới nhất tại Tập đoàn Vàng bạc Đá quý Phú Quý ngày 8/1/2025:

Silver Type

Đơn vị/VND Ha Noi


Silver bars, Phu Quy 999 silver bars

1 amount 1.118.000 1.153.000
Phu Quy 999 Silver Bar 1 kg 29.813.259 30.746.590

Cập nhật mới nhất về giá bạc thế giới:

Unit World silver price today (VND)


1 Ounce 767.000 772.000
1 Tael 92.518 93.130
1 amount 925.000 931.000
1 kg 24.671.000


Precious metals ended the week on a bullish note, with silver leading the charge. The precious metal climbed 1.72% to $30.58 per ounce, extending gains from the previous sessions.
The precious metals sector received a boost from a weakening US dollar in the afternoon session. The Dollar Index retreated 0.64% to 108.26 after the Washington Post reported that advisers to President-elect Trump were considering a plan to impose tariffs on all countries but only on sectors critical to US national security or economy. This eased concerns about a broad-based tariff hike as previously stated and reduced disruptions to global trade flows.
However, silver prices soon retraced their gains after President-elect Trump denied reports of a less aggressive tariff policy than previously stated, causing the US dollar to regain strength.